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SEXY TOES - Star Heelz

this product belongs to the group: Insoles » Gel Insoles

product code: 177_9101

product description:

SEXY TOES – self-adhesive foam forefoot pads (cushions)
Sexy Toes pads protect the forefront of the feet (the area of metatarsophalangeal joints), which is particularly exposed to stress when walking in heeled shoes. Thanks to the properties of the material they are made of, they partially reduce point pressure on the sole of the feet and prevent blisters and calluses from forming in this area (corns, calluses). The pads are made of breathable, antibacterial, durable and deformation-resistant foam, glued with an adhesive tape. The size and shape of the pads makes them suitable for a variety of shoes, especially high heeled shoes and sandals.
Method of placing the forefoot pads in footwear: Remove the paper strip protecting the adhesive tape, then glue the product to a dry and clean surface of the front of the insole. The area should be clean and dry.


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